How to access Airchat’s unofficial API

Aaron Landy
6 min readMay 9, 2024


Introduction (tl;dr):

Airchat uses the gRPC API framework which derives from .proto files located in its compiled Android apk files. You can use the .proto files to generate client code in any gRPC supported language. Within this blog post, I’ll show you how I found the .proto files and was able to deconstruct the API’s mechanism from clues, then show you how you can use it.


A few weeks ago Airchat’s team consisting of Naval Ravikant, Brian Norgard, Sigil Wen to name a few of the 12–15 person team, released a new version of their “social public messenger” app.

How Naval describes Airchat:

“Welcome to AirChat. This is an open and social public messenger. It’s designed for civil and authentic conversations. It’s voice first. You push, talk, release. That’s how you get the message out.”

Naval Describing Airchat (picture from

My friend Eliezer Steinbock invited me and I had a great experience chatting with people all around the world. I immediately saw there was a need for channels where communities can have a space for specific kinds of conversations.

Within the first week, there were no ways to create channels, as the feature had likely not been developed yet.

So I thought maybe there’s an API endpoint that exists within the code which is not available yet for users, with the ability to create channels which has not been released yet, and since the app is rapidly being prototyped, I can poke around and find an endpoint that is either intentionally or unintenntionall does not require permission . In order to do this, I needed to know how their API worked.

This is where my journey began…

1. Inspecting HTTP Traffic with Charles Proxy

Firstly, what any AppSec hacker does, I set up an HTTP proxy to inspect traffic from my phone to my computer using Charles Proxy. I added my computer’s IP address with port 8888 to my phone’s Wi-Fi proxy settings and installed the Charles certificates on my iPhone and computer to view SSL-encrypted traffic.

After doing this I was able to view the HTTPS requests being sent from my phone, but no responses would come from the server nor was I able to view the request headers or body.

Unfortunately this did not work as expected since there was something else blocking the SSL from the being recognized.

Charles Proxy attempting to inspect SSL Proxying traffic

2. Decompiling Airchat’s Android App

Since the HTTP proxying did not work, I next tried installing the raw android app apk file since it is possible to decompile the apk into smali (an assembly language for the Dalvik virual machine which Android runs on). Then from there I converted the smali into java which is more readable than smali.

The decompiled Java code was nearly all obfuscated and looked like this:

After poking around and exploring the codebase, mostly be opening random files and looking for any network requests. I noticed a few things:

  1. The codebase includes an entire directory tree of .proto files which define the schema of a gRPC API. You can use the .proto files to generate a client SDK in any supported language to interact with the server API. You can view the proto files here.
A gRPC schema proto file defining the message.message

2. The client and server utilizes SSL pinning to prevent 3rd parties from hijacking and inspecting traffic with custom SSL certificates. SSL pinning is a technique where the client and the server will only accept a specific pinned SSL certificate from one another.

Solid proof within codebase of SSL Pinning

3. Android Emulator with bypassing SSL Pinning

Given I now knew about the SSL pinning, I was ready to bypass it using a tool called frida to start reading the encrypted-ssl-pinned traffic.

The next steps I took were (the order here is important):

  1. I launched an Android emulator on my Macbook using Genymotion.
Android Google Pixel Emulator running via Genymotion

2. I installed the airchat apk on the Android device by running:

adb -s install com.wooshinc.getairchat.apk

3. I opened the app and logged in from the emulator.

Airchat app running on the Android emulator

3. I setup a VPN proxy from the Android emulator to my computer.

4. I setup a frida server on the android emulator by running these commands from my mac:

# install frida
pip install frida-tools

# initiate frida server to run on the android emulator
adb -s shell “/data/local/tmp/frida-server &”

5. I “depinned” the app by running this command from a new terminal window:

frida — codeshare akabe1/frida-multiple-unpinning -U -f com.wooshinc.getairchat

If you see “[+] Bypassing Trustmanager” within the terminal logs, you were successful. Running the command will open the app and requests made from the app won’t be signed by the pinned certificate.

After following these steps, I was able to read a good portion of the unencrypted requests sent from the phone to the server. This was useful in linking which requests are made for different features in the app.

Note: Note: While depinning is active, the Airchat app won’t accept HTTP responses. This is likely due to certificate verification after the phone receives the response.

Proxied able-to-read HTTPS requests from Airchat’s mobile app

4. Replicating successful API calls

After reading the unencrypted client http requests, I pieced together which endpoints from the gRPC schema were necessary for authentication, retrieving user feeds, messages/threads, uploading, etc. Here are a few import endpoint routes with examples:


  • Airchat Endpoint:
  • Example implementation
  • Note: All requests asides for the authentication flow require an access token.

Get Message Feed

Get Messages

5. Generating the gRPC Javascript client library

Now that I roughly knew which api endpoints are used by the mobile apps. I was ready to start testing endpoints.

To test the endpoints, I first needed to generate a gRPC client. I did so for JavaScript by running

# install the appropriate tools

npm install grpc-tools grpc_tools_node_protoc_ts @grpc/proto-loader

# specifying the proto path, output paths, and Javscript style version

grpc_tools_node_protoc \
— js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:airchat \
— grpc_out=grpc_js:airchat \
— proto_path=. \

This generated code for all the endpoints.

Preview of autogenerated gRPC code

6. Building an open source web client

I decided to take I learned about the api and build a web client which replicates the core functionality of the Airchat app which could then enable hobbyists and indie hackers to build on the platform.

Open source git repository

Screenshot of login page for



Aaron Landy

Director of eng at Ex-Uber engineer. Hacker with a passion for the unknown.